Make-up Artist Personal Branding Session: Emilee

Why Branding, Not Just a Headshot Session?

Personal branding is a more personalized and modern version of headshots. With personal branding you are able to show your personality and your trade. During these sessions you can incorporate fun props, tools you use, and so much more of your own personal style. In your personal branding session you will have the opportunity to have the traditional headshot that we all need, but these sessions take it one step further. Together we can show your personality and creativity through branded images. With careers like Emilee’s, it is so important to have your own imaging to show your rand. MUA personal branding portraits are truly a unique experience! For Emilee’s session we incorporated fun makeup related prop items to show not only what she does, but how unique she is. Hiring a professional photographer to capture your original style is the best way to showcase yourself through personal branding.

About Emilee

Emillee is a make-up artist based in Sonoma County, California. Emilee and I actually met years ago while we were in middle school. It is always so special to be able to capture images for those I have known for many years. For Emilee’s MUA personal branding session we let her personality shine! Emilee is currently working her way to becoming a full time makeup artist. With a natural talent for makeup artist, Emilee is not only favorited as the artist of choice by many California residents, but she is my personal choice for a Makeup Artist. You can see Emilee’s work on her instagram @em_marie_mua . I have to personally recommend giving her a follow, she is so talented!

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To Inquire about services, please contact Irene directly

All rights reserved © Irene Cecilia Long

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